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Friday, June 26, 2015

How to use Runkeeper to record your runs

For the benefit of those of you who just started running and want to record your runs, I am sharing how to record your runs with Runkeeper so that you can also post your runs in the group to motivate each other.

First of all, I assume that you already went to the Play Store (sorry I don't use Apple so this is only for the Android version) to download Runkeeper, register yourself with an email, and put a username and password that you remember.  After that you go to your app screen and open Runkeeper and you will see something like below:-
Wait until the Searching at the left side of the screen becomes Good GPS.  If it is taking too long, you will have to restart your phone and try again.  After that make sure the activity says Running, otherwise you click it to change it to Running.  When GPS is Good..we are all good to go...press Start Activity and start running to record your run.

After you have finished your run, press the Stop button.  Your Runkeeper will tell you how far, how long you have run at what pace etc.
After that you will come to the above screen for you to save your work out.  If you want to share it on Facebook, you can slide the Share to Facebook to On, then Save Activity.
After that you will come to a sort of summary screen, press Done.
The next screen after you press Done has more details, also a summary screen.  Press back button on your phone, or the back button on Runkeeper as shown above.
At the next screen, Press Me to see yet another summary screen.  Press Activities to see all your workouts.  This is also the screen where you will be able to see how many kms you have done in the month.
To see your latest workout, press the top most workout.
To share this on Facebook if you haven't shared it yet, you can press the share button.  Alternatively, you can also screen shot this screen and share it in the group. 

You can also use your PC browser to log on to runkeeper.com and use your username and password to log on.  Over there, you can see a lot more details of your workouts.  Good luck and hope you all will be able to get this working!

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