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For the protection of my clients and myself, please read and understand the following:-

Running, as with any sport, has inherent risk. The coach will do everything we possibly can do to help you minimize the risks while still working toward your goals. However, nothing can eliminate all risks. You are strongly recommended to consult a doctor before beginning any exercise program.
Please Note:
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. Before you begin following any training instructions you receive from me, you should have permission from your physician to participate in vigorous training. If you ever feel discomfort or pain, do not continue. The instructions and advice I presented are in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling.
By registering for the services herein, you waive and release any and all claims for damages that may occur as a result of your following the training plan set forth by your personal running coach. You further certify that you have full knowledge of the risks involved in starting, partaking, and completing a training plan.
Limitation of Liability: I am neither responsible nor liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, or other damages arising out of or relating in any way to the Pace With Jace web site or the coaching services provided by the coach and/or content, or information contained within the web site, and/or content or information contained in emails from the coach in furtherance of such coaching services. Your sole remedy for dissatisfaction with the services provided is to stop using those services.
Paying for the services herein constitutes acceptance of the terms of this agreement. By becoming my client, you agree to have your email address added to our dedicated email list(s).  Your email address will not be shared with any outside agency without your prior consent.
Payment for service needs to be completed the week prior to the commencement of the first and any subsequent month’s training plan. Payment for multiple months can be made in advance (and there are discounts available if you pay for six months at a time). If at any time you choose to discontinue with the  services, just stop making payments. For those that choose to prepay for six months in advance, a refund of any full month(s) of un-used service will be cheerfully refunded to you.
The bottom line is, you pay for the service, I provide the training plan, or we go run together depending on which service you have chosen!

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