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Saturday, January 9, 2016

JBorneo Village Cultural Run 2016 Route Testing

Normally, I would be doing my weekend LSD with a bunch of running buddies starting from Likas Sports Complex but this Saturday, there was something very special going on. An invitation was extended out by a running buddy of mine, Magz, who also happens to be one of the committee members for the JBorneo Village Cultural Run 2016, to test out the 15k race route. I was so excited and without hesitation I accepted it. She also said the invitation is also extended to member of KK No Excuse Runners, so I round up some members who were interested to join the route testing.

I made my way to JBorneo Cultural Village at about 5.45am and was quickly greeted by Magz and many friends from Rojak Runners. One by one our members also arrived the starting point. After a quick briefing by Magz and her father, we 'flagged off' at 6.17am.

The run starts off with a slight uphill towards the main road then uphill again until we passed the hill. We were constantly paced by a pacer car who showed us the way of the route. Once in a while, we stopped to gather and made sure everyone was ok, and then set off again. After the uphill, it was a long downhill run towards the entrance to Kg Limbanak.
The downhill not far from the starting line
From there we entered the kampung area and the scenery was so breathtaking along the way.

Coming out of the kampung area, we are greeted by an uphill going back to the finish line.

Overall, it was such a fun, scenic and challenging route and it is really a run one should not miss. In terms of difficulty, well, the route provided challenging undulation even for the seasoned runners but there are also many flat areas where one can run at a comfortable pace.

There is no cut off time (COT) for this run so this is a very good opportunity for beginner runners to try out a slightly longer run distance of 15km.

The highlight of this event are many, like watermelon station, Cultural Troupe to welcome Finishers, complimentary Sininggazanak Cultural Show.

Check out their medal and event T!

And the spinning medal!!!

JBorneo Village Cultural Run medal Video #Spinningcoin #medal #medaldepot
Posted by Medal Depot on Saturday, January 9, 2016

There will be prizes of

1st Place RM 500 + Hamper + Cert
2nd Place RM 400 + Hamper + Cert
3rd Place RM 300 + Hamper + Cert
For each category (Men Open, Women Open, Men Veteran, Woman Veteran)

The normal fee to join this run is RM70 per person but the organiser has kindly extended group fees to our running club KK No Excuse Runners, so you all can register with me to get this special rate too. Part of the funds collected will be channeled to the Red Crescent Society. 

To register, please provide me the info as below:-

Date of Birth
Contact Number
Blood Type
email Address
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Number
Shirt Size
Medical History
Are you on any type of medication

WhatsApp me at 0138882887 for more info or registration...Don't miss this run!! It's only RM65 for 15km race...I think really worth it compared to other runs this year...Limited Slots are available as the organiser has capped the maximum number of participants, so hurry before it's all gone!!